The Pathway To Prosperity

October 17, 2023

If you knew how powerful your thoughts are, you’d never have a negative thought again! Seriously! When you can’t change something because it is out of your direct control, change the way you think about it and take massive action, get everything sorted out!

Would it be good for you to discover HOW to create your unlimited success? After all, anything is possible and there is always a way. Imagine making a commitment to yourself, right now, to re-discover or uncover the confident, energetic, motivated and empowered you with a shining future, that version of you is there, somewhere, waiting to be released. Would you be excited to learn that you can change what you want to change by thinking differently and then taking action? Experience the feeling when you visualise your ideal career, your flourishing business, wonderful, loving relationships, you at the top of your game! Sounds great doesn't it? It can be your reality should you choose it and it really is a choice.

Let’s dive into it!

Powerful thinking, what’s that? Powerful thinking begins with your internal world, the guiding processes that are consistently going on inside you, inside your mind. It’s a matter of how you view the outside, inside. The pictures, sounds and feelings that happen inside and the dialogue that you attach to them, that’s your self talk and it’s what activates your emotions and guides your actions. This isn’t a conscious process, so much of your behaviour is unconscious and habitual.

Did you know that you have an unconscious mind? You may have heard it referred to as the sub-conscious mind. It’s the part of your mind that you are not consciously aware of right now. The unconscious mind is the powerful creator of your notion of self. It works hard in the background, running your body, processing your sensory information, generating habits and behaviours, fuelling up emotions, making sense of the symbolic world around you and keeping your history intact in the form of memories. Most people never manage to commune with their unconscious mind, that’s where NLP comes in. We teach you how to communicate effectively with your unconscious mind and make the changes that will support your successful outcomes.

The first step to understanding your internal world is to get more conscious about it. Stop, look and listen. Get outside of yourself for a change. Understand what you are experiencing from moment to moment and then notice what you unconsciously do with that information once it gets inside. An important premise to remember is that what you focus on is what you get. Your energy will automatically flow towards where you put your attention. If your attention is channelled to what you don’t want, then that’s where your energy will go, towards generating more of what you don’t want. Focussing on what you want and then taking massive action is the only way to guarantee you get the outcomes that you desire.

The next step is to clear out the unnecessary rubbish that is fogging up your mind and sapping your energy. Everything which is incomplete drains energy from you and from your success. It’s like spinning plates on sticks and keeping them all in the air at the same time, all incomplete things drain energy from your purpose. So, here’s a challenge for you. Your pathway to prosperity is pathed with massive action taking and you can begin here with these simple actions that will serve to clear your mind of the crap!

We challenge you to take on the 10 step clean up…

1. Make a list of all the things you have to do and take action to tick one or more off the list each day. Plan your time and stick to your plan.

2. Clean your house and/or your office or arrange to pay to get it cleaned.

3. Clean your car, inside and out or take it to be valeted. Get it serviced if it needs it.

4. Throw away/recycle/upcycle/donate everything you don’t use or that’s out of date. If you haven’t worn or used an item for more than 12 months, it probably needs to go!

5. Organise all your papers/documents, including electronic documents. Clean your desk and recycle unused materials and any unneeded papers.  File all papers/documents that you don’t throw away.

6. Get up to date with your tax returns/accounts and household budgeting, keep them up to date.

7. Pay all outstanding bills or make arrangements and/or agreements as to when you will pay them.  Keep those agreements.

8. Make a list of everyone who owes you money or who has borrowed things.  Email or call and ask for the money (or the thing borrowed) or cross the person off the list and decide it is complete.

9. Make a list of all the things you have started and not completed.  Complete the list or cross it off and decide not to do it.

10. Take care of your physical body.  Eat well, exercise well, sleep well and live well.

Now you have thrown out the rubbish and parted the fog, you can gain clarity of thought and intention and continue to take action towards your goals. Whatever it is that you want to attract into your life, be that money, success, respect, strong relationships, love, motivation, energy and all the other most desirable outcomes, the key to achieving what you want is to get in control of your thinking and then take massive action.

Perhaps you feel that you need support and guidance to create the momentum to set you on your path to prosperity? No problem there, Quest for Success Ltd are here for you. All you need to do is decide to invest in yourself and your future pathway and take action by registering for our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training, come along with an open mind and a willingness to learn and we will take care of the rest. We will walk the path with you until you are ready to run it solo. Take massive action now!

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