Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing the right NLP training provider for you is an important decision. We know that you want to make the right choice, first time. You want to be confident that the course you select will deliver your objectives and exceed your expectations and that your NLP Trainer has experience, knowledge and a strong reputation for excellence. 

We are sure that you have questions and we would love to chat to you about them in person. Whilst you’re here, we have selected some of the most frequently asked questions that we have heard over the past 17 years and answered them for your immediate convenience. 

Please call so that we can understand your personal needs and outcomes and answer your specific questions. Your personal objectives for taking our training are important to us. Our number is(+44) 07722 007204.

What does NLP stand for?

Neuro Linguistic Programming

What is NLP?

NLP is an instruction manual for your mind. It tells us how to use our mind in a way that achieves results.


NLP helps you to understand language and how language affects your thinking and your behaviour. By understanding how you think, you can begin to get in control of your thinking, your emotions and your behaviour and create new, powerful ways of being you that ultimately create your success.


NLP is about becoming highly empowered to be the best possible version of you and to create the life that you want. You will be able to unpick the fabric of your life and stitch it together again in a new way that suits you best. It’s about getting in control of you and creating your future, by design.


The best thing about NLP is that it is easy to learn, easy to apply and can completely transform your life in the best ways you can think of, and some that you’ve never even considered!


When you learn NLP with Quest for Success, you learn in a way that is deeply beneficial to your own wellbeing and gain all the skills you need to assist others to do the same.

What can I do with an NLP certification?

Ø  Create a coaching or therapy business.

Ø  Consult in corporate environments.

Ø  Facilitate workshops.

Ø  Run highly desired trainings.

Ø  Accelerate your career path.

Ø  Increase your personal skill level.

Ø  Create stronger and longer lasting relationships.

Ø  Coach sports people to be at their best.

Ø  Coach young people to think successfully.

Ø  Educate in a way that enhances learning.

…and much, much more.

Why should I choose to study with Quest for Success?

Practical application.

There are many different schools of NLP available and most of them teach NLP in a highly theoretical manner. What makes Quest for Success Ltd different is that we teach NLP in a highly practical way, connecting theory with practice and real time application within YOUR world. Our primary objective is to ensure that you leave the training with the knowledge and confidence to be able to make practical use of your learning across every context of your life.  Our trainings are not shelf fillers, they provide easy to use tools for life.

Our lead trainer, Christine Dawson, holds the rare ABNLP -ABH certification of Master Trainer of both NLP and Hypnosis, so you can rest easy, knowing you are being guided by the best in the profession, guaranteeing that you will graduate as the best of the best on a global stage.

Quest for Success Ltd will also support your continuous professional development. Once you train with us, you become part of our global community, with access toon-going support across a number of different channels.

Can I really get 4 certifications in 8 days?

Yes, you can. We train in a proven format, regulated and accredited by the ABNLP which enables accelerated learning and practical integration of theory. We know how to teach NLP in a highly digestible way, accommodating all learning styles.


In addition to the face to face training, you will complete some pre-study using our outstanding online study materials. We believe that our bespoke study materials are amongst the best in the profession and you will receive lifetime access so that you can view them and refresh your learning time and again. Your total learning journey will be about 140 hours.

What Certifications will I receive on graduation?

Our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner and Master Coach Practitioner Certification Trainings reward you with 4 certifications:


1.     Neuro Linguistic Programming

2.     NLP Coaching

3.     Time Line Therapy®

4.     Hypnosis


All our certifications are fully board accredited and carry international recognition.

Are there different levels of qualification available to me?
Will my qualifications be accredited by a professional board?

Yes, all our trainings are regulated and accredited by the following professional bodies:


The American Board of NLP

The Coaching Division of the American Board of NLP

The Time Line Therapy® Association

The American Board of Hypnosis


These are the largest and certainly the best organised NLP boards in the world. Your certification will carry international recognition.

Who delivers the NLP Training for Quest for Success?

Our trainings are delivered by the owner and creative force behind Quest for Success Ltd, lead trainer Christine Dawson.


Christine has 17 years of experience in the profession and is one of only a handful ABNLP Master Trainers of NLP and Hypnosis in the UK, so you can rest assured that you are hearing from the best.  To achieve the level of NLP Master Trainer involves a challenging 5 year journey of personal development that few people see through to completion, demonstrating how dedicated Christine is to this profession.


Outside of the training room, Christine also supports a community of coaching and therapy clients, corporate clients and sports competitors. This means that her knowledge of working with REAL people is deep and wide and she is passionate about sharing everything she knows and learns with the people who study with Quest for Success.


How many participants will be on my training?

At Quest for Success we are dedicated to ensuring that each and every person we train is the best possible Practitioner of NLP and knows exactly how to apply everything they have learned in their world. To facilitate this objective, we keep the group size to a maximum of 12participants.

Where will I take my training?

Our UK trainings are all held at our office in Oldham, Greater Manchester. We have created a wonderful learning environment for you with minimum distractions and professional surroundings.


NLP Trainer’s Training is held on the Greek island of Evia at a stunning natural retreat. This will be the learning experience of your life and one that you will remember forever.

Who attends NLP Training?

Each training welcomes a diverse group of participants from all walks of life and differing educational backgrounds. Our NLP Practitioner Trainings do not require any academic entrance qualifications, so we are extremely flexible and inclusive. The only thing we ask is that you come with an open mind and a willingness to learn something new.


Here are some examples of participants who have joined us:

  • People who wish to accelerate their career prospects.
  • Those who feel stuck in life and want a new way to move forward.
  • People who wish to build a new career path.
  • People with relationship problems.
  • People with life problems.
  • Those who want to set up a coaching or therapy business.
  • People who are excited about becoming trainers and consultants.
  • Sports competitors who are passionate about getting to the top.
  • Health and fitness professionals.
  • Existing therapists and coaches who want to expand their toolkit.
  • Educators who want to learn new ways of shaping minds that work.
  • People who are serious about their own personal growth and development.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, flexible, interest free payment plans are available on all our trainings.


We also offer training bundles with exceptional savings for those who wish to book their whole training journey at one time.

Will I be supported after I graduate?

Of course, you will become a valued member of our NLP community.


Quest for Success are one of the few NLP Training Institutes to offer all graduates formal supervision with our Master Trainer Christine.


We also offer a range of less formal and free avenues of support including our exclusive Facebook support group, practice sessions, informative newsletters, referrals club and ad hoc telephone or email support with a lifetime guarantee.

FREE NLP Training