Stand Out As The Best Version Of You

November 24, 2021

As the world remains in a fragile state of recovery, I’d like to ask all my lovely readers to spend some time today to reflect inwardly. Externally, the world is filled with horrendous news of people being brutally killed, seemingly because of their personal choices and of a pandemic which threatens our economic viability. Our politicians are intentionally filling us up with consequences regarding our political affiliations in the world. All the negativity of the world bombards our senses every time we turn on the TV or read a newspaper or search the internet for current affairs. Have you ever stopped to think what all that is doing to your unconscious values and belief systems? Do you feel out of control of your life and at the behest of others? Please, take a moment today to look inside and to re-connect with all the good that rests there and to think critically and independently. Think as you, the best possible version of you. It’s time to step up and embrace your difference.

Our thinking has been shaped almost exclusively by the thinking and behaviour of other sources outside of ourselves and so it continues as we grow older in a world where we are constantly being told what to think and how to behave. Eventually we stop thinking for ourselves and just say ‘Baaaaahhh’. We dutifully conform to global thinking and think just like everybody else. This makes us susceptible to global emotions too. Now we are told how to feel. The news channel tells us day on day what we should be afraid of; the global pandemic, the economy, terrorism, the weather, illness and the list goes on. The majority of us unconsciously comply and live life filled with negative emotions like anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt, jealousy, envy, frustration, anxiety. Most of the time we are not feeling these emotions because we genuinely want to feel them or even need to feel them, we feel them because somebody says we should in order to ‘fit in’ with societal norms.

I saw a Facebook post recently, one of those that is written by one person who remains anonymous and then is copied, pasted and posted by others at the request of the author. The post was all about working for yourself, how difficult it is, energy zapping, causing anxiety and stress. So many small business owners copied and posted it onto their profiles. Why? Did they mean every word? After all, they were not their words. If they meant those words or not, what they did by posting the narrative was to install the words in their thinking. Now they feel stressed and anxious for real and believe running your own business is not an empowering, choice filled and enjoyable way to live their life.  

This made me think about how people are losing sight of the fact that they have life choices. If working for yourself is so unpleasant and stressful, then don’t do it anymore or engage a coach to guide you to a point where you can enjoy being self-employed. Choices and action are always available. NLP assists you to create the power to make those choices and step away from the group think of social media, be yourself, the best version of yourself.

Why is this group think undesirable for someone who wishes to be successful and happy and have an abundance of everything they want for themselves and those that they love? The answer is simple. Without the ability to think for yourself, independently and creatively, you have no personal power. The process of independent thinking is about Personal Empowerment and being willing to stand out and excel. Why be mediocre, one of the crowd, average, when you can be the best possible version of you? You CAN connect with your inner power.

To become empowered, your thinking must be your own. Firstly, letting go of all the negative emotions that you have been instructed to feel with a simple process such as Time Line Therapy™. Then forming new and empowering beliefs about yourself and your own model of the world and adopting values which serve you better than the set installed in you unconsciously by other people. Learn how to think creatively and without the boundaries imposed on you over the years, freeing you to create the future that you want in a new way, with different, more empowered behaviours and a new way of thinking.

Those who take our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training, or who enter into an Exclusive Personal Breakthrough Programme with one of our excellent NLP Coaches, learn how to generate their independent thinking and leave us as empowered individuals who have wonderful new goals that they know how to achieve. They know how to create their own future and how to think for themselves. They begin to behave as successful people, utilising their new found empowerment and experience amazing success, living the lives they want rather than the lives they believe they were given. Think independently and become empowered by attending our live NLP training, it will be the most important training you have ever attended and one you will remember every day of your life afterwards.

It's not important that you wish to formally practice NLP or become a highly skilled coach when you take our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Programme. Many participants learn NLP purely for themselves, just for them and who they are. Learning how to think successfully and then produce the corresponding behaviour is what is important to many of our graduates and they discover the best possible version of themselves during the training, transforming the way they choose to live their lives.

Here are some basic behavioural transformations, all taught during our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training, that will enable you to stand out and excel:

• Get rid of all your emotional baggage from the past.

• Regain control of your language and thinking.

• Remove all limiting beliefs you have about yourself.

• Learn new coping strategies so that you can deal with anything life brings.

• Learn how to remove anxiety, worry, panic attacks and stress.

• Discover how to control your emotional content, in the moment.

• Understand how you think and change what isn’t useful.

• Learn the benefits of relaxation.

• Take care of your holistic health – mind and body.

• Create independent, critical thinking.

• Embrace your uniqueness.

Most importantly, everyone who learns how to think independently and to embrace their personal empowerment passes on what they have learned to at least one other person. They in turn touch someone else’s life and so on. You may believe right now that there is nothing you can do personally to change the world we live in for the better, that’s simply not true. By changing your own thinking and that of one other person, we can begin to grow a connected community of people who are empowered and able to think for themselves and who can positively generate success for themselves and the people that they care about the most, be that their family or their entire community. We can, together, evolve the thinking of our world, one person at a time. Join us.

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