Exploring The Law Of Requisite Variety

July 16, 2024

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP for short) is a globally renowned discipline that explores the relationship between neurological processes, language and behavioural patterns which have been learned through human experience. Among the Presuppositions of NLP, its core principles, is the Law of Requisite Variety. The concept that the Law of Requisite Variety embodies has been modelled by the creators of NLP from the world of cybernetics. The law states that the system with the most flexibility will control the system. This principle has profound implications within NLP, where flexibility of behaviour and thinking is seen as key to effective communication, problem solving and advanced levels of personal development.

The Law of Requisite Variety was formulated by W. Ross Ashby, a pioneer in cybernetics, in the mid-20th century. Ashby postulated that for a system to effectively manage the challenges it faces, it must possess a variety of responses equal to the variety of challenges. In other words, the component of the system with the greatest range of flexible responses will ultimately dictate the outcomes within that system. This principle has been adapted and integrated into NLP, where it serves as a cornerstone for understanding effective human interaction and behaviour.

In NLP, the Law of Requisite Variety is one of the 5 Principles of Success and a primary Presupposition of NLP. It underlines the importance of adaptability and flexibility in achieving successful outcomes through effective communication in coaching and therapy, business contexts and unparallelled personal growth. The best Practitioners of NLP use the Law of Requisite Variety to guide individuals in expanding their behavioural and cognitive repertoire, enabling them to respond more effectively to a wide range of situations.

When you communicate, outside of yourself, the variety within your environment requires you to adapt your language (the words you select), vocal characteristics (tone, tempo, timbre and volume) and physiological approach to fit the context you are in and the unconscious needs of your audience. For example, as a skilled communicator, you would alter your speaking style when talking to children as opposed to addressing professionals or peers, ensuring that your message is understood and well received by each group. In NLP language, we call this building rapport. Practitioners of NLP understand how to establish deep rapport with anyone at any time in any context.

Practitioners who utilise NLP language to assist their therapy and coaching clients to develop ultimately flexible thought patterns and behaviours achieve the best results. This flexibility allows their clients to navigate life's challenges more effectively, leading to improved mental health and wellbeing. For example, an NLP Coach might teach a client multiple coping strategies for dealing with life’s challenges, so they have several options to choose from in different situations. In NLP, we are very clear that everything we do should serve to increase choice.

In NLP, personal growth is rapidly accelerated by expanding the range of behaviours that are available to you at any one time. This will include learning new skills, adopting new and multiple perspectives, whilst becoming more resilient in the face of adversity. When you can conceive of a problem from a variety of angles, you can conceive of multiple solutions to those problems, bearing in mind that you can’t solve a problem with the same thinking that created the problem in the first place.

In complex problem solving scenarios, the ability to generate and implement a variety of strategies increases the likelihood of finding a successful resolution. For example, a business leader who can adapt their leadership style to suit different team members' needs is more likely to engender a productive and harmonious work environment. An adaptive leader who oversees a diverse team must adjust their communication style to connect with each team member effectively. One team member might respond well to direct, chunked up (high level) instructions, while another might need a more collaborative and supportive approach with detailed instructions. By recognising these differences and adapting their behaviour accordingly, the leader can ensure that each team member feels valued and understood.

In a conflict situation, the person who can employ multiple strategies, like active listening (listening between the lines), empathy, negotiation and influence, is more likely to resolve the conflict successfully. For instance, in a workplace dispute, using the NLP Agreement Frame to communicate your understanding of another person's perspective can de-escalate tension and displace resistance, while influential language ensures that your own needs are clearly communicated.

A student who can adapt their study methods based on the subject matter and their own learning style will likely achieve better academic results. For example, they might use visual aids for subjects that require memorisation and analytical thinking for subjects that involve problem solving. This flexibility in learning strategies helps the student excel across different disciplines.

A salesperson who tailors their pitch to match the customer's values, interests, decision making strategies and purchasing needs is more likely to close a sale. This might involve using technical jargon with a knowledgeable client, focussing on cost savings with a budget conscious customer, or emphasising quality and reliability with someone who prioritises long term value. In NLP, we build this flexibility into our proven 5 Step Sales Process, which adds reliability and consistency to your sales procedure.

Throughout NLP are embroidered a variety of techniques, all of which enhance flexibility in behaviour and thinking and create choice, helping you to align with the Law of Requisite Variety. Flexible NLP thinking includes Reframing which involves changing the context or content of a situation to change its meaning. For example, viewing a perceived failure as a learning opportunity with robust feedback, rather than a setback. This will motivate you to keep testing different approaches until you succeed in generating your desired outcomes.

Anchoring is the process of linking a particular behavioural response with a specific stimulus. This will help you to access desired states (emotions), such as confidence or motivation, as and when you need them. For example, a public speaker might use a specific gesture to trigger a feeling of calmness and confidence before speaking to an audience.

Meta Model Language Patterns represent a linguistic tool which you can use to challenge and clarify vague or limiting language. By asking specific questions, you can support someone to recover underlying assumptions and expand their thinking. For example, challenging a statement like, "I can never do anything right" with questions like "Never?" and "When specifically do you do anything right?” can help them see their capabilities more clearly.

Flexibility of thinking is enhanced when you cultivate a mindset that welcomes change and is open to the opportunity for growth. Seek out new experiences, learn new skills and stay open to different perspectives. Be aware of your emotions, as well as understanding and influencing the emotions of others. High emotional intelligence allows for more adaptive and effective interactions in various social situations. This skill requires active listening. To listen between the lines you must be totally present with the speaker, understand their message and respond consciously. This will improve your communications and relationships by ensuring that others feel heard and valued. Every time you speak, you change the way someone feels.

Regularly challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and experience new things. This will build resilience and adaptability, making it easier to handle unexpected challenges. After encountering a challenging situation, take time to reflect on what worked and what didn't. Use these insights to adapt your approach in future situations, continually expanding your range of responses.

Embracing the Law of Requisite Variety, you can effectively navigate the complexities of life and achieve your desired outcomes. NLP provides both the necessary thinking, language tools and practical approaches to enhance flexibility and align with the Law of Requisite Variety. Ultimately, embracing this principle can lead to more fulfilling and successful interactions, both personally and professionally.

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