Avoiding The Language of Lack

October 19, 2022

It’s THE hot topic right now. Everyone is talking about it, or lack of it. The words Fiscal Crisis are everywhere. Yes, today I would like to talk about money.

Gasp! Yes, I know that in many cultures, particularly the British culture, talking about money is considered somehow vulgar or socially incorrect. I want to discuss money here as it is one of the main excuses that you have for not having your life the way you want it.

When I say excuse, I really mean it! Let me put that statement into context for you, before you get all annoyed and stop reading, because this is important and could change your current outlook on your own situation. Let’s start with a dollop of reality. Whilst you can’t change or directly influence government or global financial decisions and markets and your food and fuel bills are your reality, you can’t change them, you CAN get in control of the way you think about your situation, the way you feel about the current financial climate and the resultant actions that you take. You will be astounded at the difference your thought processes can make as to how you personally weather this particular storm. A healthy mental state will make every difference.  

Money, or lack of it, is an excuse that most people have leaned on at some time or other, believing that it gave them some sort of support. You have no doubt heard the old adage, ‘money is only positive when you have it’ and this is the type of money related language that I would like us to consider today. The media are constantly using the word ‘crisis’, creating uncertainty and fear. Those emotions won’t help you in any way, it’s time to create your own thought patterns and act on them.

I’m guessing that you have never before considered the strong connection that exists between your language (which is generated by your internal processing of your model of the world) and money?

So, how does the language that you use relate to money? The connection is impossibly strong and goes completely un-noticed by you, day in, day out, until you choose to take some action and do something about it. Consider for a moment that you may actually be talking yourself out of money! Oh crap!

To understand this concept fully, you must regress back to your various growth periods in life and the beliefs about money that you unconsciously or consciously decided to adopt as your own. Think about all the sayings you heard about money as you grew up, ‘money is the root of all evil’, ‘money won’t make you happy’, ‘take care of the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves’, ‘study hard so that you can get a well-paid job’, ‘no you can’t have that, we can’t afford it’, ‘be grateful, there are many people worse off than you’, ‘people don’t have money so my business is failing.’ I could go on and I bet you can think of lots more examples of your own. The thing is, this type of linguistic offering serves to install beliefs in you that you not only accept, you act upon, changing your behaviour and your thinking accordingly.

Your deep-seated beliefs about money drive your unconsciously generated behaviour and you can unconsciously act so as to repel money from your life or act to attract it into your life. Wealthy people are wealthy primarily as a result of thinking about money in a certain way. If you are in business, you MUST be comfortable talking about money and absolutely ready to charge appropriately for your work. This sounds really simple and you would be surprised to know that many people in business are uncomfortable asking for money in exchange for a product or service. This thinking is generally created by limiting beliefs like, ‘I don’t deserve money’, ‘I’m not good enough to charge a lot of money’, ‘My family have never had money’, ‘Money is bad’. These types of belief serve to push money out of your life rather than attract it towards you.

Here's the big revelation. Money doesn’t come from outside of you, it comes from inside! First you must think positively about money and your ability and right to have it in your life, then you change your behaviour towards money, then you take money related actions, then you attract money into your life. If you are in the money waiting room, then you will be there for a long time! Money won’t magically come to you, you must create it from the inside out.

Let’s begin by viewing money from a different perspective. Money is simply an exchange of energy, money is the energy of your work. The more energy you invest in something, the more energy will be reflected back towards you. The more you invest in yourself, the more universal energy will be returned to your life system. Energy is one of the only real resources that we have available to us, the other being time.

Now, the next step is to write down all the limiting beliefs that you have about money and your relationship to it. It’s important that you take steps to remove those limiting beliefs from your neurology. You can change limiting beliefs quickly and easily with NLP submodalities techniques or with Time Line Therapy® Techniques. You can learn these specific processes when you attend our Enhanced NLP Coach Practitioner Certification Training.

When your list of limiting beliefs is complete, you can begin to study your language. Your language doesn’t describe your world, it creates it. The language you use in relation to money is helping you to create your situation with the financial implications that you conceive of. Let’s look at an example. How many times have you said, ‘I can’t afford it’ or ‘I don’t have enough money for that’? What are you really saying here? What are you manifesting and bringing into your reality?

I can’t = I can not (You are actually saying, I can do the process of not having enough money, you are choosing not to have it!)

I don’t = I do not (I do the process of not, so I modify my action not to have money)

These messages are consistently acted upon by your unconscious mind which is where all your capacity for learning, behaviour and change resides. The more you say you ‘can’t’ or you ‘don’t’, the more your behaviour will reflect that and the less money you will attract. So, what should you say instead? Here are some useful examples:

“I can find a way to have that as it’s something I see value in.”

“I do have the resources necessary to get the money to have that as I see value in it.”

“I will get the money to achieve that.”

This type of language will set your unconscious mind off on a quest to get what you want and your behaviour will be produced to support that. If you believe you can, you will. A change in thinking as fundamental as this takes practice and repetition, until it becomes habitual. If you are consistently worried about not having money, that’s where your focus is, on not having it. Energy flows where attention goes and so you pour all your energy into not having money. Guess what that creates?

It makes perfect sense to re-direct your energy into having money and creating wealth (whatever that means for you).

So, next time you find yourself complaining about money or denying yourself something that would add value to your life and business because of lack of money, firstly ask yourself what is that an excuse for and secondly change your language and beliefs so that you can attract what you want into your life. Directionalised thinking creates results.

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